Sunday, March 15th, 1 – 3PM
An introduction to herbal medicines and how to use them
Join Knoxville herbalist Rachel Milford for an introduction to the world of herbal medicine. We’ll talk about when and how to use herbs, the different forms in which you can take them (teas, tinctures, etc), safe and effective dosage, and more.
We’ll also discuss different approaches to working with herbs and focus on 2-3 tonic herbs to start using every day. Class will include a plant meditation, as well as tea tasting. Everyone will get to bring home their own nourishing tea blend. Bring your own mug!
Rachel Milford
Wellness Ally | Herbal Medicine & Whole Foods | [email protected]
Class cost: $35.
Class space is limited and prepayment is required to reserve a spot.
To register, please contact Rachel ([email protected])
or Patty ([email protected]) to sign up.
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