WORKSHOP: Bone broth in a healthy diet • The Paleo diet • Making your own probiotics with fermented vegetables

Presented by Samantha Carithers and Libby Stancell

Sunday, April 26th, 1-3PM


Join Samantha of Willy’s Butcher Shop for Bone Broth 101Willy's-Butcher-Shop-Logo-c (2)-1

Samantha Carithers of Willy’s Butcher Shop will get to the “meat of it” and share why bone broth is so beneficial and will lead a discussion about how the Paleo Diet and probiotics have changed her life.


Samantha Carithers, MPH

Samantha began her health journey when, as a youth, she became a professional ballet dancer with the Nashville City Ballet. From there she earned her Masters in Public Health from the University of Tennessee. Always passionate about food and nutrition, Samantha’s food journey landed her owningWilly’s Butcher Shop in Knoxville TN. Samantha’s food philosophy is that healthy foods can and must taste delicious, and she tries to reflect both in the butcher shop! A busy and working mother of two, Samantha understands the challenges in finding time to cook, and aims to aid people in making healthy food convenient as well. Willy’s Butcher Shop focuses on natural, integrated, clean meat for everyday cooking up to gourmet meals. Samantha’s special interest is in healing foods such as Bone Broth andin-house made pork sausage for “Paleo” focused eating. When not in the butcher shop, Samantha enjoys scheduling in a good yoga class, prayerful meditation, and keeping up with her two daughters, dog, and busy husband.


Libby Stancell demonstrates how to make fermented vegetablesfermented-sauerkraut_SML

Libby is an advocate for sustainable growth and works tirelessly planting and tending her own organic garden as well as volunteering at Care of the Earth Community Farm CSA. Libby will introduce us to the basics of fermenting veggies, making Kombucha and Kefir and how they can benefit your diet.

You’ll receive a shopping list with resources, a Willy’s Butcher Shop Coupon and a FREE Class Card for any of Patty’s classes with your workshop payment.

Cost: $20  |  Contact Patty ([email protected])
or call or text 8 6 5 – 9 5 1 – 6 0 2 4 to sign up.

WORKSHOP: From Stress to Balance: A New Year of Self-Care

Start the new year off with an afternoon of delicious nourishment and self-care!

herbal-remediesJoin Knoxville herbalist Rachel Milford to explore stress as a root cause of illness and learn how it effects our immune, nervous, and endocrine systems. We’ll learn what medicinal herbs and foods we can use daily to decrease stress, increase strength and vitality,and bring balance back to our bodies. As part of this nourishing day, everyone will also get to make and take home their own 8 oz medicinal herbal tincture. Class will also include nourishing teas and homemade treats. Come relax and indulge yourself in an afternoon of self-care.

January 25th, 1-3PM

Class cost: $40 (includes 8oz tincture, teas, treats, and handout)

Prepayment is required to reserve a class spot.
To register, please contact Rachel ([email protected])
or Patty ([email protected]) to sign up.

Presented by Rachel Milford
Wellness Ally | Herbal Medicine & Whole Foods  |  [email protected]